
Bicycle parking Jaarbeursplein

Are you coming to Utrecht Central by bike? A big chance that you will store your bike in the new bicycle parking facility designed by Kraaijvanger. It is located beneath the gracious steps of Stationsplein West, which lead to the public transport terminal and the new municipal office. There is space for 4200 bicycles in the garage and it is open day and night. With each row is indicated how much space is left in the racks. Trying out? The first 24 hours you park your bike for free. The entrance to the three-storey high bicycle shed is located at the Jaarbeursplein. This leads you down to what Bart Lauret in the AD of May 20 calls the 'state of the art' complex under the stairs of the municipal office.

"Until now, his garages have been brought to life with artificial light brought to life, Stalling Jaarbeursplein is bathed in daylight." The daylight falls deep within the stands on the stairs and a large roof light that looks out on the city office. Large voids spread the light over the entire space. The interior is further characterized by a sleek design each floor has its own distinctive bright color. What is special about the garage is that you check in with your public transport chip or debit card.

Because of this no more work is done with receipts. In addition, you can see through an advanced system above the aisles where there is still space in a rack. It is still a pilot project, but the first results seem good. In a few years, the largest bicycle shed in the world will open its doors on the other side of Utrecht Central. This is a design by Ector Hoogstad with a capacity of 12,500 bicycles.


Bicycle parking Jaarbeursplein




2007 - 2011


2011 - 2014


municipality Utrecht


Dirk Jan Postel, Dick Baggerman, Nol van den Boer, Joost Esschendal, Patrick Keijzer, Wouter IJssel de Schepper, Edward Timmerman, Bart van der Werf


4,834 sqm

Life is like riding a bicycle:
you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling.
(Claude Pepper)