Hans Goverde at SGES 2017 in Zurich


The Netherlands will host the Swiss Green Economy Symposium 201. on Monday 30 October. The entire day will focus on cross-border knowledge exchange in all areas of sustainability and the circular economy. Hans Goverde presents his vision on architecture in the circular economy under the title "Benefits of Sustainable Building go beyond energy savings". The Swiss Green Economy Symposium is based on the idea that economic, social and climate problems can not be solved by just looking within the country or community borders. Collaboration and dialogue is essential to tackle the major problems of our time. Together with host country Netherlands, the platform has brought speakers from all over the world to Zurich to exchange ideas and engage in discussions. Hans Goverde shows in Zurich with the case of the Stadskantoor Venlo and the 360 ​​° that circular buildings do not have to be a dream of the future. The Venlo city ​​office shows that the Cradle to Cradle building can have a positive impact on its environment, purify the air and at the same time improve the health of the users. The 360 ​​° is far ahead of its time but can still be built today and shows what has been developed since the Venlo city office. Visit sges.ch for more information about the Swiss Green Economy Forum 2017

Clouds come floating
around my home, not
longer to carry rain, but to
add colours