
Court of Justice Wilhelminahof

The Wilhelminahof court-house is an early design of Rob Ligtvoet that was completed in 1997. Due to the digitalization of the legal process, the courtrooms needed to be updated due to the digitalization of the legal process.

The digital courtroom is the first courtroom of the Netherlands that has the latest ICT and audiovisual applications and contributes to a modern and efficient process. The courtroom has an audio system for a good surround sound effect, intelligent image display for displaying all types of media, a high-quality signal for watching and listening from the other courtrooms and the option of recording court hearings (audio and images). In addition, the courtroom has press connections and a facility for the impaired hearing. The system is easy to operate by using an intuitive control system with touch screen.

The courtroom is also suitable for court sessions when digital material is not being used.In 2011 Kraaijvanger was assigned the reconstruction annex modernisation of the consultation and courtrooms on the first floor of the court-house Wilhelminahof in Rotterdam. Next to the courtrooms, the new lay out contains a wide range of consultation and meeting spaces in different configurations.


Court of Justice Wilhelminahof






2010 - 2012




Daniela Schelle, Jan Dorsman, Frank Hendriks, Sandra van den Heuvel, Leendert Spreij, Bart van der Werf


1,000 sqm

"All the great things are simple,
and many can be expressed in a single word:
freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."
(Winston Churchill)