Hans Goverde keynote speaker at Energiekongress 2018


How do we build the future? Where does the journey for mobility take us? How much digitalization does the community need? On Friday June 1st Kraaijvanger architect Hans Goverde answers these questions during Energiekongress 2018 in St. Gallen. The congress is an initiative of Energieagenture St.Gallen and focuses on the implantation of energy strategies. They invite different speakers for a keynote speech within this theme.

Hans Goverde is presenting at Forum 4 on healthy buildings. His work on the sustainable, cradle-to-cradle City Hall Venlo is a good example of a building with an emphasize on healthy work environments. The project is an important step into an ambition to design every project 100% cradle-to-cradle and energy supplying. This ambition will continue in his speech in which he will also talk about projects such as Museum Voorlinden, CIC Rotterdam and the 360 circular living tower.

Present at the congress? Hans Goverde is speaking on June 1st at Forum 4 starting 13:45 pm in Olma-Messen, St. Gallen

Energiestrategie vor Ort umsetzen
Freitag, 1. Juni 2018 Olma Messen St.Gallen

Forum 4: Nachhaltiges Bauen: Impulsreferat zum Thema cradle to cradle, Venlo City Hall (NL) -Hans Goverde, Kraaijvanger architects, Rotterdam (NL)

Clouds come floating
around my home, not
longer to carry rain, but to
add colours